Monday, August 30, 2004

Win a Gmail competition :)

Okie people so I have 2 gmails left so if you really want one please give me the reasons why I should give one to you. Post your comments here.

Tip: try to be funny ;) ..this is my weak point


Anonymous said...

gmail is cool..i want to be part of the l33t?er...i just really would like one...thanks..i will use it to no avail and love it forever...sort of.please and thank you?

Anonymous said...

give a invite to me...because i'm a brazilian man, and the first to comment on your blog!(and to because i don´t speak english well... lol!)

Anonymous said...

hmm, hail mandary the holy one. I am GMan your long forgotten disciple having sent by a mail server to fight the forces of evil spammers.
I derive my secret powers from email accounts and after having bulged my biceps on yahoo,hotmail,rediff,hotpop,mail,vsnl,sify,netaddress,etc. etc. I hae now set my sights to imbibing the powers that be at Gmail. Hope you bestow me with good fortune so that I can take on the malicious spammers who are running amok in the internet world. go in peace. Gman

Unknown said...

GMAN dude you didnt give me your email address i think this is the most important thing lol !!!!


Anonymous said...

hiii javed!!! plzzzzzzzzzzzz give it to me!!! am your official mp3 provider! :)