Truffle and Ethereum - call vs transactions
After banging my head for 4 hours trying to figure out why my sample Dapp doesn't actually save (persist) data to my contract I found out that i was actually making a call instead of executing a transaction .
What's the difference between a call and a transaction you say ?
- Well a call is free ( does not cost any gas ) , it is readonly and will return a value
- whilst a transaction costs gas , it usually persists something and does not return anything
Please read the "Making a transaction" and "Making a call" section in the offical lib:
Say for example in your app.js of your truffle app you have a fictionious setComment and getComment function ( to persist and retrieve comments respectively ) this is how they could look like :
===Extract app.js====================
function setComment(){
// Assuming your contract is called MyContract
var meta = MyContract.deployed();
//Taking a comment field from page to save
var comment = document.getElementById("comment").value;
// Note that the setComment should exist in your MyContract
meta.setComment(comment,{from: account}).then(function() {
setStatus( "Tried to save Comment:" +comment);
}).catch(function(e) {
setStatus("Error saving comment .. see log."+ e);
function getComment(){
var meta = MyContract.deployed();
// notice that in the readonly getComment method that after method name a .call is used
// this is what differentiates a call from a transaction{from: account}).then(function(value) {
setStatus( "Comment:" +value);
}).catch(function(e) {
setStatus("Error retrieving comment .. see log."+ e);
What's the difference between a call and a transaction you say ?
- Well a call is free ( does not cost any gas ) , it is readonly and will return a value
- whilst a transaction costs gas , it usually persists something and does not return anything
Please read the "Making a transaction" and "Making a call" section in the offical lib:
Say for example in your app.js of your truffle app you have a fictionious setComment and getComment function ( to persist and retrieve comments respectively ) this is how they could look like :
===Extract app.js====================
function setComment(){
// Assuming your contract is called MyContract
var meta = MyContract.deployed();
//Taking a comment field from page to save
var comment = document.getElementById("comment").value;
// Note that the setComment should exist in your MyContract
meta.setComment(comment,{from: account}).then(function() {
setStatus( "Tried to save Comment:" +comment);
}).catch(function(e) {
setStatus("Error saving comment .. see log."+ e);
function getComment(){
var meta = MyContract.deployed();
// notice that in the readonly getComment method that after method name a .call is used
// this is what differentiates a call from a transaction{from: account}).then(function(value) {
setStatus( "Comment:" +value);
}).catch(function(e) {
setStatus("Error retrieving comment .. see log."+ e);